Prithviraj Chouhan

Prithviraj Chouhan

An Indian Brave heart, known for his bravery, courage, proficiency in Archery, is an icon of love and romance in Indian folklore. The Hindu King had created a collective bonding to hovered the strength of small or large kingdoms to stand against the Muslim Gurid Dynasty. He had acclaimed the prominent place in Indian History to create a political unification against the regular invasion carried out by the foreign invaders.

Prithviraj Chouhan or Rai Pithora

Prithviraj III was also known as Rai Pithora from the Chahamana (Chouhan) dynasty. He had ruled Sapadalaksha at present; it has covered a part of North-Western India (Rajasthan, Haryana, and Delhi). His capital was Ajayameru, an ancient name of Ajmer.

There is a little confusion related to the birth year of Prithviraj III. Indian Indologist Dashrath Sharma stated he was born in 1166 CE in Gujarat. Some historians had stated his birth year 1149 CE. So, there is a little confusion related to the birth year.

Early Life Of Prithviraj Chouhan

His father was Someshvara, ruler of the Chahamana dynasty, and Karpura Devi was his mother. According to the account narrated in Prithviraj Vijaya, he was born on the 12th day of the Jyestha month.His year of birth was not clear as the different account has stated different claims.

According to the legendary accounts, he was well educated. As to the Prithviraj Raso, he was mastered in 14 languages. He was well versed in several subjects; History, Maths, Medicine, Military, Painting, Philosophy, and Theology. He was proficient in Archery.

Early Reign of Prithviraj Chouhan

Prithviraj III spent his childhood in Gujarat. Later on, his father became a ruler of the Chahaman dynasty. He was moved from Gujarat to Ajmer.
His father, Someshvara, died in 1177 CE. He was 11 years old. As he was a minor, his mother had guided him to ascend the throne as his regent.